September Is National Gum Care Month and Is a Great Time To Evaluate Your Gum Health!

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September is National Gum Care Month, and we’re excited to share with you some tips to keep your smile healthy and strong. Most people think of tooth loss as a result of tooth decay, but did you know that losing teeth is often a result of gum disease? Turns out brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist regularly can stop cavities in their tracks along with gum disease.

What Gum Disease Looks Like

The early phase of gum disease is called gingivitis and it happens when your gums have a bacterial infection, leaving your gums sore, painful and bleeding. Unless your dentist catches it early and addresses the problem, this harmful bacterial infection will continue to worsen until it turns into periodontitis (incidentally, the main cause of tooth loss) as the gums can no longer hold the teeth in place. If you notice any signs of problems with your gums, it’s time to visit our dentist for an intervention! Need more convincing? Take a look at the stages of Gum disease to see where your smile is at.

Gum Disease Phases

-Gingivitis: In this phase, you’ll notice inflammation and discomfort in your gums along with a buildup of plaque and tartar. Gingivitis can be reversed by scaling and root planing, followed with routine at-home oral hygiene care and a healthy diet that supports gum health, foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, “aggressive periodontitis” manifests as a rapid gum recession that happens when young folks grow too fast, ending up with vitamin depletion. In this case, it’s not bacteria that is causing the problem, it’s a vitamin C deficiency! Eating plenty of citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens for vitamin C. Consume milk, eggs, meat and certain breads, pastas, and cereals fortified with B12. You can add flaxseed oil and fish to get enough omega-3 fatty acids.

-Mild to moderate periodontitis: This phase of gum disease stems from leaving gingivitis untreated, allowing periodontal pockets to develop around the tooth as vital bone and tissue start to diminish. You’ll see chronic bleeding and pain around the teeth along with gum recession and the infected areas can cause an inflammatory response throughout your body.

-Severe periodontitis: This is the phase of gum disease you want to avoid at all costs as it is the most advanced. It manifests as extensive bone and tissue loss where teeth will loosen and need replacing.

Poor gum health doesn’t just affect your oral health, it also affects your looks, and consequently, your self-esteem and self-confidence as it causes you to look older than you are. But also keeping teeth healthy is less costly than replacing those lost teeth. And as we already mentioned, gum disease affects your overall health by causing systemic inflammatory conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, and even autoimmune problems.

Caring for Your Gums

Healthy gums gum from maintaining healthy dental hygiene habits like brushing (at least twice a day) and flossing daily to get rid of harmful plaque and prevent the formation of tartar. When you floss, don’t force the floss down hard on your gums. Instead, gently pass the floss down your teeth and swipe the side of each tooth down the gums to lift plaque, bits of food and stray bacteria. When cleaning your mouth, remember to brush your tongue too because bacteria love to gather there. Drink lots of water to flush away bacteria and bits of food particles as well as replenish your saliva production to protect your teeth and gums.

Dental Checkup

Following a healthy diet that supports gum health will also go a long way to improving your smile. Keep an eye on your gum health, and if you happen to notice that your gums are red or bleeding, it’s a strong indication that your gums may be ill and it may be time to schedule a checkup and dental cleaning! Since this is National Gum Care month, why not schedule your next visit?